New Hampshire Preservation Alliance
Save Our Gasholder Campaign
The Concord, NH Gasholder is a last-of-its-kind landmark.
Join a growing group of people who want it saved.
The 1888 Gasholder is a striking welcome for travelers along Interstate 93 in our state capital. Its round brick walls and peaked cupola are as distinctive a part of the skyline as the gold dome of New Hampshire's State House. This 19th-century industrial monument is believed to be the last of its kind -- the only gasholder in the U.S. with its interior workings intact. But, in 2020 on the 60th anniversary of the demolition of Concord’s iconic railroad station, Liberty Utilities announced its intention to secure a demolition permit for the 1888 structure. We hope we will not make the same mistake with this landmark. Its preservation can spark positive community development for the southern gateway of the capital city and provide a welcoming beacon for all.
We Need Your Help
Find out how to support our mission to save the Concord, NH Gasholder
The Gasholder’s History
Learn the history of this iconic building and why it is worth saving.
Get Involved - Save our Gasholder
Make a secure donation to help cover the costs of signs, flyers, and other outreach materials and support the effort. The N.H. Preservation Alliance will manage funds for Save Our Gasholder. Joint efforts by the N.H. Preservation Alliance, City of Concord, and property owner Liberty Utilities are focused on finding a use for the property that would allow public enjoyment and be a catalyst for future commercial or institutional development along the City’s southern gateway corridor.
Join the growing list of people who want the Concord Gasholder to be saved and become of an investment in the southern gateway of New Hampshire’s capital city. Together we can send a message to Liberty, the City of Concord, and other stakeholders that investing in our future means honoring our past.