Working to Prevent Collapse and Buy Time for More Planning
In this video you’ll catch a rare view of the new interior shoring towers designed to support the Gasholder’s damaged roof and prevent catastrophic collapse, buying time for further planning and re-development. We’ll take you inside and on the roof of the Concord, NH Gasholder as the Emergency Stabilization project reaches completion, making the building safe, stable, and weather-tight. With on-site interviews by nationally recognized preservation professionals Michael Bruss of Bruss Project Management, Frank Lemay of Milestone Engineering & Construction, and Tom Evarts of Yankee Steeplejack Company.
A 3-minute video produced by John Gfroerer for the N.H. Preservation Alliance and the Concord Historical Society.
Watch for our next video – coming soon!
Want to show your support for the Save Our Gasholder campaign by displaying a yard sign at your home or business? Give us a call at 603-224-2281 or email